JUNO Centre for Women

Here at JUNO we offer a wide number of high-quality services. If you are interested in any further information, please reach out to our facility and friendly staff.


  • Comprehensive maternity care

    We look after you through your entire pregnancy, from conception through delivery and postpartum care.

  • High and low risk obstetrics

    We care for all pregnancies both low and high risk.

  • Normal and Operative deliveries

    We perform normal vaginal deliveries, assisted vaginal deliveries and Caesarean Sections

  • Prenatal testing

    the Mat21 test is offered which is a genetic screening test performed on the mothers blood from which Down syndrome , Edwards and Patau's Syndrome can be identified. Other abnormalities can be detected on request.

  • Fetal ultrasound

    Ultrasound at all stages of pregnancy including but not limited to early booking scans and anomoly scans.

  • Anomaly Scans

    these are performed usually around 20 weeks of gestation and they help identify any anatomical abnormalities.

  • 3D/4D Ultrasounds + 3D printing

    3D/4D scans and 3D print models of your baby. You are able to see and touch your baby in model form.

  • Infertility

    early assessment and investigation of infertility

  • Lamaze Classes

    classes are offered by experienced midwives. These include newborn CPR training.

  • Pregnancy massage

    helps with the pain and discomfort often experienced during a pregnancy.


  • Annual Physical

    Full physical including your pap smear and breast exam

  • Breast care

    Assessment and treatment of breast conditions

  • Family planning

    Discussion and distribution of contraception. Includes tablets, injectables, implants, coils and surgical modalities.

  • STD Infections

    Wide range of investigations for all types of sexually transmitted infections. Including their treatment.

  • Hysterectomy

    Surgical removal the uterus this can be performed by and open abdominal procedure, Laparoscopy or vaginally.

  • Myomectomy

    assessment and treatment of fibroids. Conservative and surgical options are available.

  • Oophorectomy

    this is the removal of the ovaries.

  • Fibroids

    Benign tumours that classically grow within the uterus, They can be asymptomatic but can be responsible for pain, heavy bleeding and sometimes fertility problems

  • Polypectomy

    removal of polyps from the uterus. This is classically performed using a hysteroscope.

  • Bartholin Cysts/Abcess

    These cysts /abscess can be very painful. We are able to diagnose and treat these.

  • Urinary Incontinence Issues

    leaking urine can be caused by a number of issues. These will be assessed and treatment options provided.

  • Ovarian cysts

    Cysts on the ovaries come in various forms. We are able to diagnose and treat these. Depending on the size and type these can be treated conservatively or by surgery.

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome

    A very common condition diagnosed amongst women in the Bahamas. Investigations and treatment provided.

  • Vaginal infections

    vaginal discharge, odour and pain. All can be tested for and treated accordingly.

  • Vulval Disorders

    diagnosis and treatment of vulval disorders

  • Infertility testing

    Early investigation and assessment of infertility.

  • LEEP and Cryocautery procedures

    Following an abnormal pap smear result. We perform colposcopies and biopsies followed by treatment in the form of cryotherapy or LEEPs.

  • Uterovaginal Prolapse management

    there are various stages of prolapse that we are able to diagnose and provide the appropriate treatment of each whether it be conservative or surgical..

  • Cancer screening

    screening for various types of female malignancies.

  • Colposcopy

    this is a detailed examination of the cervix that is performed after having had an abnormal pap smear.


  • Cosmetic Gynaecology

    We perform most forms of cosmetic gynaecology including labiaplasties, vaginoplasties and Oh Shots among many others. We also provide botox and fillers.

  • Intimate skin care products

    we provide the NELLY line - intimate care products. These are a line of natural products developed especially for the woman's intimate area.

  • Massage therapy

    relaxing massages performed by our in house massage therapist.

  • Physical Therapy

    We provide the highest level of physical therapy to our patients. This is performed by a qualified physical therapist.